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Text Recruiting: A Comprehensive Guide

Profile Headshot of Sushanth P S
Sushanth P S

mins read

June 27, 2024

How to Implement Text Recruiting

Key Takeaways

A 2023 survey by Talent Board found that 66% of job seekers prefer to be contacted via text message during the hiring process.  
As a direct and efficient way to communicate with potential candidates, text recruiting offers numerous benefits over traditional methods such as email and phone calls. This direct nature of texting makes it perfect for several other business cases too like text to pay.  

This comprehensive guide will explore what text recruiting is, its advantages, best practices, and how to implement it effectively in your organization.

What is Text Recruiting?

Text recruiting, also known as SMS recruiting, involves using text messages to communicate with job candidates throughout the hiring process.  
From initial outreach and screening to scheduling interviews and sending job offers, text messaging provides a direct line to candidates' mobile devices, ensuring timely and effective communication.

How to Implement Text Recruiting?

How to Implement Text Recruiting? - Infographic

Implementing text recruiting in your organization involves several key steps:

  1. Select a Text Recruiting Platform: Choose a platform that integrates with your existing applicant tracking system (ATS) and offers features such as mass texting, automation, and analytics. You can use Message Central’s SMS APIs to enable this.
  1. Setup Templates: Create message templates for different stages of the recruiting process, such as initial outreach, interview scheduling, and follow-ups. This ensures consistency and saves time.
  1. Train Your Team: Provide training to your recruiting team on how to use the text recruiting platform effectively and professionally.
  1. Monitor and Adjust: Track the performance of your text recruiting efforts through metrics such as response rates and time-to-hire. Use this data to adjust your strategies and improve outcomes. You’d get in data in an SMS dashboard by your provider.

Advantages of Text Recruiting

  1. High Open Rates: SMS messages boast a 98% open rate, significantly higher than email, which typically sees an open rate of around 20%.
  1. Faster Response Times: Candidates are more likely to respond quickly to text messages. Studies show that SMS messages are often read within three minutes of being received.
  1. Improved Engagement: Texting can create a more personal connection with candidates, leading to higher engagement and a better candidate experience on all SMS campaigns.  
  1. Efficiency: Text recruiting streamlines communication, reducing the time spent on back-and-forth emails or missed phone calls.

Best Practices for Text Recruiting

To maximize the effectiveness of text recruiting, it’s important to follow best practices that ensure professionalism and compliance with legal standards.

  1. Obtain Consent: Always get explicit consent from candidates before sending them text messages. This can be done through an opt-in process on your job application forms. The opt-in has been made mandatory under A2P 10DLC in the United States.
  1. Be Professional: Maintain a professional tone in your messages. Use clear and concise language and avoid using slang or abbreviations that could be misinterpreted. You can also refer to our guide on professional text message examples.
  1. Personalize Messages: Address candidates by their names and tailor messages to their specific applications or roles.
  1. Timing Matters: Send messages during appropriate hours to respect candidates' personal time. Avoid sending texts late at night or early in the morning.
  1. Compliance: Ensure that your text recruiting practices comply with regulations such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the US.

Templates for Effective Text Recruiting

  1. Initial Outreach:

Hi [Name], this is [Recruiter] from [Company]. We received your application for the [Position] role and would love to discuss further. Are you available for a quick call this week? Please reply with your availability. Thank you!

  1. Interview Scheduling:

Hi [Name], thanks for your interest in the [Position] role at [Company]. Can you please confirm your availability for an interview on [Date] at [Time]? Let us know if this works for you. Thanks!

  1. Follow-Up:

Hi [Name], just checking in to see if you received our interview invitation. Please let us know if you’re still interested and available. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Challenges and Considerations in Text Recruiting

While text recruiting offers many benefits, it’s important to be aware of potential challenges:

  1. Privacy Concerns: Ensure that candidates’ phone numbers and personal information are handled securely and in compliance with data protection regulations. Brands should use SMS API tools and absolutely avoid group SMS to ensure that data sanctity is maintained.
  1. Message Limits: Be mindful of the character limit for SMS messages (typically 160 characters) and ensure that your messages are clear and concise.
    Although, this limitation can be avoided using concatenated SMS messages.
  1. Avoid Overcommunication: Balance the frequency of your messages to avoid overwhelming candidates, which can lead to a negative experience.

Text Recruiting with Message Central

Message Central’s Message Now provides SMS APIs which can be easily integrated with your existing tech stack and can be effectively used for text recruiting for your entire organization.  

With Message Central, you’d get:

  • Global reach
  • Direct operator connectivity for high text deliverability
  • Best SMS routes
  • Competitive SMS rates
  • 24/7 customer support  

You can get in touch with the team to get started.


Text recruiting is a powerful tool that can enhance your hiring process by improving communication efficiency, candidate engagement, and overall response rates. By following best practices and leveraging the right technology, you can effectively integrate text recruiting into your talent acquisition strategy.

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