API Parameter for Verify Now
The following parameters need to be sent while using VerifyNow APIs.
Rest API Base URLs
All Platform API endpoints below should be prefixed with the following URL:
Generate Token
When using Verify Now’s SMS verification API to send SMS verification codes, the initial call should be to the token generation API.
This API returns a token that must be included in all subsequent calls. An authentication token is needed to validate the user and should be included in the header section of each request.
Request URL Path:
1curl --location 'https://cpaas.messagecentral.com/auth/v1/authentication/token?
3&email=test%40messagecentral.com' \
4--header 'accept: */*'
NOTE: To convert a cURL command into code using Postman, open Postman, import the cURL command via the "Import" button, and then generate the code in your preferred language by clicking the "Code" button on the right side of the request.
Response JSON
2 "status": Integer,
3 "token": "String"
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Become a PartnerSend OTP
To sendOtp on a mobile number below are the request parameters. The authentication token is required to send OTP which is generated by the generated token API (which you can find above in Introduction section).
Request URL Path:
A successful response will return a 200 status code.
Request URL Parameters:
1curl --location --request POST 'https://cpaas.messagecentral.com/verification/v3/send?
2countryCode=91&flowType=SMS&mobileNumber=9999999999' \
3--header 'authToken:
NOTE: To convert a cURL command into code using Postman, open Postman, import the cURL command via the "Import" button, and then generate the code in your preferred language by clicking the "Code" button on the right side of the request. You can change the flowType basis the channel of your choice.
Response JSON
2 "responseCode": 200,
3 "message": "SUCCESS",
4 "data": {
5 "verificationId": "xxxx",
6 "mobileNumber": "xxxx",
7 "responseCode": "200",
8 "errorMessage": null,
9 "timeout": "60",
10 "smCLI": null,
11 "transactionId": "xxxx"
12 }
Validate OTP
The validateOtp method is a REST API endpoint for validating a one-time password (OTP) for customers.
Request URL Path:
A successful response will return a 200 status code.
- For multiple language support
- by default is English
- For now we support English only
1curl --location 'https://cpaas.messagecentral.com/verification/v3/validateOtp?
2&verificationId=2949&code=1476' \
3--header 'authToken:
NOTE: To convert a cURL command into code using Postman, open Postman, import the cURL command via the "Import" button, and then generate the code in your preferred language by clicking the "Code" button on the right side of the request.
Response JSON
A successful response will return a 200 status code.
2 "responseCode": 200,
3 "message": "SUCCESS",
4 "data": {
5 "verficationId": "xxxx",
6 "mobileNumber": "xxxx",
7 "responseCode": "200",
8 "errorMessage": null,
9 "verificationStatus": "VERIFICATION_COMPLETED",
10 "authToken": null,
11 "transactionId": "xxxx"
12 }
Response Codes
Help and Support
For implementation support and any feedback, please reach out to us at: support@messagecentral.com
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I implement with custom code?
You can use postman to rewrite API calls in your preferred programming language. You’d need to use: -
- POST method for sending SMS
- GET method for validating OTP SMS
2. Why am I getting the error “Method not Allowed” or error code 405?
You’d need to ensure that the endpoint URL for the Token API matches the one defined in the documentation. The same has been mentioned below: -
You can also refer to our video on API integration which explains the entire integration process in detail.
a. Token API using GET method
b. Send API using POST method
c. Validate API using GET method
3. How do I test the SMS verification APIs?
You can use Postman to test Message Central’s SMS verification APIs.
4. Why am I getting “Whitelabel Error” page?
If you are getting Whitelabel Error page, you should check for the following errors: -
a. You are using incorrect API packet
b. You have not replaced placeholders with the actual values
c. API curl is incorrect
d. Curl location has not been changed to ‘production’ instead of ‘staging’
5. Why am I getting error code 401?
This could be because of incorrect API or token. Make sure you have followed our API documentation for the right token values.
6. Why am I getting the error code 400 or “Bad Request” in Postman?
There are multiple reasons for a “Bad Request” in Postman. You can check for the following probable reasons: -
a. Check if the authToken is correct
b. Check if any parameter is missing in API
c. Header should be passed in this format - application-x-www-form-urlencoded
7. How do I generate authToken?
In order to generate the authToken in Postman, you’d:-
a. Find a ‘key’ in GET API
b. You’d need to copy that key and encode the same using Base64 -
c. Put the encoded password in ‘Key’ placeholder
d. Hit the GET API
You’d get an authToken.
8. Where do I use the authToken?
You’d need to put the authToken in the header of SEND API.
9. What all parameters do I need to change in GET API to generate token?
You’d need to change country, customerid, email and key. Scope will always remain = “NEW”
10. What all parameters do I need to change in SEND API?
You’d need to change country code, customerid, otplength, and mobilenumber.