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Growing Text Lists: Tips and Tricks

Profile Headshot of Kunal Suryawanshi
Kunal Suryawanshi

mins read

June 15, 2024

How to Make a Text List

Key Takeaways

  1. It has become imperative for businesses to have a system in place to grow and maintain text lists since there have been strict regulations in place to take consent before sending any texts
  2. Text lists include all those who have given their consent to receive text communication from a businesses. This could include important notifications like delivery status or marketing comuunication like offers or discounts
  3. There are multiple steps to creating and growing a text list which includes defining an audience, selecting the right messaging platform, creating a user friendly signup process etc.
  4. Once the process is created, it is very crucial to monitor, measure success and iterate the best practices
  5. Businesses can use platforms like Message Central to maintain their entire texting ecosystem

With regulations like that of A2P 10DLC and DLT registration it has become imperative for brands to take consent from their users for sending them text messages and adding them to text lists.

At the heart of a successful text marketing strategy lies a robust and engaged text list that is essentially a subscriber list for any sort of text blasts.  
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the essential steps to building a thriving text list from scratch and uncover strategies to maximize its impact for your organization.

What are Text Lists?

With over 5 billion mobile phone users worldwide, the potential reach of text marketing is simply staggering and the widest amongst all channels. Unlike email, which often gets lost in crowded inboxes, text messages enjoy 98% open rate, ensuring your message is seen by your target audience.

But the value of a text lists goes beyond just open rates. It is almost essential for every brand to maintain a text list because: -Numbered List

  1. Customers who opt-in to receive your text messages are highly engaged and receptive to your marketing efforts.
  1. Additionally, Google has announced the removal of third-party cookies, maintaining a healthy database of first party data is essential for any brand.  
  1. Moreover, text lists are an owned asset, meaning you have direct control over your subscriber base, unlike social media platforms or search engines, which can change their algorithms and disrupt your marketing efforts at any time.  
  1. By building a robust text list, you're creating a sustainable, long-term channel for customer engagement and revenue growth.  

You can use the text lists in multiple scenarios like sending text message invitations, professional text messages, flash sale messages, texts about new launches etc.  

How to Make a Text List?

How to Grow Text Lists Infographic
  1. Defining Your Audience: The Foundation of a Successful Text List

Understanding your customers' interests, pain points, and preferences is the cornerstone of creating Through market research, analyzing data from your existing customer base, and leveraging tools like buyer personas and customer segmentation, you can nail your ideal customer profile.

Consider factors such as: Bullet points

  • Demographic information (age, gender, location, etc.)
  • Psychographic data (interests, values, behaviors)
  • Purchase history and product preferences
  • Engagement with your brand across various channels

With a clear understanding of your audience, you can ensure that your text list-building efforts are laser-focused, attracting the right subscribers and setting the stage for long-term success.

  1. Choosing the Right Messaging Platform

With a myriad of text messaging available, selecting the right one for your business can be a daunting task. From basic text messaging services and text verification tools to sophisticated marketing automation tools, the options are vast and varied.

When evaluating potential platforms, consider the following key factors:

  • Functionality: Assess the platform's capabilities, including features like automated workflows, segmentation, and analytics. Ensure it aligns with your current and future text marketing needs.
  • Scalability: Look for a platform that can grow with your business, accommodating increases in subscriber volume and supporting more advanced campaigns over time.
  • Compliance: Verify that the platform is compliant with relevant regulations, such as the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and is not a DND number to protect your business from legal issues.
  • Ease of Use: Prioritize platforms with user-friendly interfaces and intuitive workflows, making it easy for your team to manage and execute text marketing campaigns.
  • Integrations: Explore platforms that seamlessly integrate with your existing marketing stack, allowing for a cohesive and data-driven approach to customer engagement.

One platform that ticks all these boxes is Message Central, which has an SMS API provider, Message Now with global connectivity and the best SMS routes. You can get in touch with the team to get started.  

  1. Crafting a Seamless Sign-up Process

Attracting subscribers to your text list is the first step, but creating a frictionless sign-up and onboarding process is crucial to converting interested customers into active subscribers.

By making the sign-up experience simple and engaging, you can significantly increase your list-building efforts. This could even be a one-step SMS verification based signups.

Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Prominent Placement: Ensure that your text list sign-up form is prominently displayed across your website, social media channels, and other marketing materials. Use clear and concise language to explain the benefits of subscribing.
  • Minimalist Design: Keep your sign-up form clean and clutter-free. Only ask for essential information like phone number and maybe first name to minimize friction and increase conversion rates.
  • Incentives: Offer incentives to encourage sign-ups. This could be exclusive discounts, freebies, or access to special content. Make sure the value proposition is clear and compelling.
  • Opt-in Confirmation: Implement a double opt-in process to ensure that subscribers are actively confirming their interest. This helps maintain a high-quality list and ensures compliance with regulations.
  • Mobile Optimization: Optimize your sign-up process for mobile devices. Since most people access their phones on the go, it's crucial to have a mobile-friendly sign-up form that is easy to navigate and complete.
  • Clear Privacy Policy: Clearly communicate your privacy policy to alleviate any concerns about data security and ensure transparency. Assure subscribers that their information will be handled responsibly and only used for the intended purposes.

You can also refer to our guide on best practices for SMS campaigns.  

  1. Engaging and Nurturing Subscribers

Building a text list is just the beginning; engaging and nurturing your subscribers is where the real value lies. Here are some tactics to keep your subscribers engaged and foster a strong relationship:

  • Segmentation: Divide your text list into smaller segments based on demographics, preferences, or engagement levels. This allows you to send more targeted and relevant messages, increasing the chances of conversion.
  • Personalization: Use personalization techniques to make your messages feel more individualized. Address subscribers by name and tailor content based on their past interactions or purchase history.
  • Valuable Content: Provide value with every message you send. This could be exclusive discounts, early access to new products, helpful tips, or informative content that aligns with your subscribers' interests.
  • Timing: Timing is crucial in text marketing. Send messages at appropriate times when your subscribers are most likely to be engaged and receptive. Avoid sending messages too frequently to prevent subscriber fatigue. It is one of the best practices for SMS marketing.  
  • Two-Way Communication: Encourage subscribers to respond to your messages and engage in a conversation. This not only builds trust but also provides valuable feedback and insights that can help improve your marketing strategy.
  • Surveys and Feedback: Regularly send surveys or request feedback from your subscribers. This shows that you value their opinions and helps you gather valuable insights to improve your products or services.
  • Exclusive Offers: Reward your subscribers with exclusive offers or discounts that are only available to them. This creates a sense of exclusivity and encourages continued engagement.
  • Automation: Utilize automation tools to streamline your text marketing campaigns.  
    Set up automated workflows that trigger messages based on specific actions or events, saving time and ensuring timely communication just like cascading messaging.

By implementing these engagement strategies, you can build a strong relationship with your subscribers and maximize the effectiveness of your text marketing efforts.

  1. Measuring Success and Iterating

To ensure the long-term success of your text list, it's crucial to continuously measure and analyze its performance. Monitor key metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates to gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns. You can do this using an SMS dashboard.

Use this data to identify areas of improvement and iterate on your messaging, timing, and segmentation strategies. Experiment with different types of content, offers, and CTAs to see what resonates best with your subscribers.

Start Text Messaging with Message Central

Message Now by Message Central is an SMS API provider with: -Numbered list

  1. Global connectivity
  1. Best SMS routes
  1. Competitive SMS rates
  1. Direct operator connectivity

You can get in touch with the team to start your text campaigns.

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